Connect directly with targeted executive recruiters and headhunters in just minutes and maximize your interview exposure
Access the unadvertised jobs market
All recruiters are approved and opted-in
Extensive network of executive recruiters
Is your search for top executive recruiters taking a long
Is it taking weeks, months or even years to get connected with executive
recruiters and search firms in your industry?
There is an alternative.
Rather than sending your resume to one executive recruiter at
a time or waiting to be found, with ExecutiveTrumpet you can send your
resume directly to multiple, targeted executive recruiters, search firms and headhunters
in just minutes.
Register just once and your resume will soon be on its
way to multiple, targeted executive recruiters and headhunters.
We at ExecutiveTrumpet have access to thousands of executive
recruiters across the US and Canada. All recruiters are approved and opted into our network, so they welcome referrals from us.
Connect with targeted recruiters covering over 80 job
Consulting, Law, General Management and many more.
Save time and increase
your interview exposure
Be first - your details are put in front of targeted
recruiters before executive jobs are even advertised. This gives you the best
chance of uncovering more openings.
Target recruiters based on your salary level,
job function, job level, industry, and geographical area.
Basic membership is free - our basic package is free
or choose from one of our premium services after you register.
Fast and easy – signing up only takes 3 minutes and your resume will be available to all relevant recruiters or search firms in our network...
Member comments
"Within a couple of weeks, 3 extremely well connected search firms had contacted me, resulting in several quality interviews and a subsequent offer...I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this service." Neil Burgess, CTO.
"So far so good; approximately ten follow ups within a couple of days. Already some interesting opportunities looming!" David Bryant, Sales Director.
"I have had five calls today, two with specific assignments in mind." Kevin Holiday, Civil Engineer.
"Thank-you for your follow-up email. It took me quite a while to reply to you since there were several enquiries from the recruiters on my email account. Thank you very much for your help." Songwut Limcharoen, IT Manager.
"I signed up on Friday afternoon and by the next business day, I had 10 responses from eager executive recruiters in my industry. Currently, there are 8 opportunities that I am being considered for with leading companies. Great position to be in + the service is already saving me tons of time :-) I will certainly let you know how it turns out." BFK, EFT Industry Executive.