Networking With Executive Recruiters
Top 7 Tips For Networking With Executive Recruiters
Want to be the next blip on the radar for executive recruiters? Instead of going to them and asking them to talk to you, why not make yourself the person they want to come to. It's not as hard as you think. You can brighten your presence on their radar by following these 7 tips:
- Upgrade Your Internet Presence –When was the last time you Googled yourself? If you haven't gone into the search engine and put in your name, how do you know what the recruiters are seeing? More often executive recruiters are looking online for their next potential executive placements. If you’re not showing up, they're having a tougher time seeing you.
- Join Online Networking Communities – There are a number of online professional communities such as ExecutiveTrumpet and LinkedIn that are a place you can set up an online profile to interact with other recruitment professionals. The recruiters are also on these sites, seeing who's out there.
- Post an Online Resume – Make sure your resume is out there. When you are writing it don't just talk about your career history, but make sure you have filled the text of the resume with words that relate to your industry, That way if a recruiter is conducting a search, using those keywords, your resume will pop up.
- Become An Expert In Your Field – There's nothing like looking like an expert to get an executive recruiter's attention when you're looking for a career change. You're an executive. You have expertise in your field. Share that expertise. Write for trade publications or sites about your industry to get your name, and proof of knowledge, out there.
- Create a Professional Network – Online or off, it's good to always be networking with other professionals. The more people you know, the more people will know about you.
- Be a Key Player in Your Industry - If there are associations for your industry, you should be involved in them, so you are always in 'the know' and always mentioned when there are stories about your career field.
- Community Activity – Community activity is very important. By being a goodwill ambassador for your company you will show the qualities many want in an executive. Not to mention that showing up at these events will get publicity for you that executive recruiters may stumble upon.
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