Why Won't Executive Recruiters And Executive Search Companies Return My Calls?
You have been trying to get the attention of executive recruiters and executive search companies for some time now. You're ready for a career change and have done everything you think you should have. You've sent a resume and cover letter to the executive recruiter's office, you've been at all the recent conferences trying to do a little self-promotion. But so far, there haven't been any bites.
Don't lose heart, there could be a number of reasons you haven't heard back.
First, unless you hand delivered your resume, do you know if it even got to their office? Did you make a follow-up call or e-mail to see if they have received it? If not, this would be a good time to check. The problem well may have been the post didn't get your resume to its destination or the email was filtered. If you are checking on whether it was received through e-mail, you may want to go ahead and re-attach the resume again. A different subject line may also help.
Next, How do you know that an executive recruiter or search company is not trying to contact you? If they are working on filling a job that is very hush-hush, they are not going to call you and spill the beans about it. It's going to be done more discreetly.
How often do you get calls to your mobile phone or office that go to voice mail where no one leaves a message? You may have just thought it was a wrong number, or someone selling something, but it could be more than that. An executive recruiter is not going to leave their sensitive information on a recording. They are waiting until they can talk to you in person.
Remember that gentleman who you met at the industry conference who has made a few calls to you, but you haven't gotten back to him yet. He could well be the recruiter. They are often looking for their next star candidate at those conferences.
Part of the way to know if a recruiter is calling you is to be open to all forms of communication, whether obvious or not. They don't always take the obvious track to finding their next top-level executive.
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recruiters in your industry in 3 minutes.
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