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How To Find Unadvertised Jobs

If you're an executive looking for a job, you shouldn't be waiting to find the perfect position in the classifieds. Most jobs remain unadvertised, so chances are, you'll keep waiting and waiting.  

Many management and executive jobs are unadvertised and never make their way into the want-ads of online job boards. Instead they are job openings that are known about within the company and they often either hire from a pool of candidates already in their files or through a recruiter. Your best bet is making sure you are one of the candidates in those files.

You can't just send any old resume to these companies. You have to know the company you would like to be a part of and send a resume that is specifically geared towards them.  That means research.  Learn all you can about the company. You can do this either online or through the business section of a library. Learn as much as you can about the company and when you write your cover letter and resume for them, make sure you keep their specific industry needs and services in mind.

You will be sending out a broadcast cover letter on top of your resume. This is a type of cover letter that is not for a specific job. If you knew just what job was open, you would be specifically applying for that job in this case you want to write a cover letter that lets the company know you understand them, what they need and want in an employee, and that you are the person who can offer it to them when they have an opening.

Beyond just sending a resume to the company you want to work for, you can also try contacting an executive recruiter. Contingency executive recruiters work on a per placement basis, so they want a large database of viable candidates for the jobs they are trying to fill.

There are also a lot of online sites these days that will allow you to post your resume and pertinent information that anyone looking for an employee can access. These executive sites will leave your resume online for months, and anytime a new company is looking for an executive they can easily find you.

A more pro-active approach would be to use a service like ExecutiveTrumpet. With this, your resume is sent directly to targeted executive recruiters, allowing you to be considered for, and find unadvertised executive jobs.

Click here to find out more about connecting with multiple, targeted, top executive recruiters in your industry in 3 minutes.

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Unadvertised Jobs

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Connect with the right recruiters in 3 simple steps:

1. Choose the recruiters you wish to target based on salary level, industry, function and region.

2. Add your cover letter and attach your resume.

3. Choose your package.

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For those searching in the UK, check out THE UK sites for executive jobs and executive search firms.

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